The Journal of Breckland Studies is produced by the Breckland Society, which was set up in 2003 to encourage interest and research into the natural, built and social heritage of the Brecks. It is a membership organisation working to help protect the area and offering a range of activities to those who wish to see the special qualities of this unique part of England protected and enhanced.
I have been a member of the Editorial Board of the JBS since its foundation. I edited and typeset volume 4 of the JBS, which focuses on Bury St Edmunds and was published in early 2022. It was planned to coincide with 1000th anniversary, in 2020, of the founding of the Abbey of St Edmund, but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It was published with the financial support of the Bury Society, the Suffolk Preservation Society and the Breckland Society.
Copies of the JBS can be downloaded by clicking on the covers above.